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Titre du document / Document title

Ocorrência de Hylettus seniculus (Germar, 1824) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae), em pomares cítricos de Roraima, Brasil, e alternativas de controle = Hylettus seniculus (Germar, 1824) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae), occurrence in citric orchards of Roraima, Brazil, and controle alternative

Auteur(s) / Author(s)

MOREIRA Marcos Antonio Barbosa ; DE OLIVEIRA José Oscar Lustosa ; MONNE Miguel Angelo ;

Résumé / Abstract

The citriculture in Roraima state is limited by some factors, within which the pests have a special prominence. In the last years, a new plague has damaged on several orchards in the state. The objective of this work is to identify this new pest as well as to describe the main symptoms and damages, aiming a correct recommendation for its control. Infested branches and trunks were collected from several orchards and placed into cages. After emergency, the specimens were sacrificed, then conditioned in bottles with 70% ethanol, and lead to the Centro de Identificação de Insetos FitÓfagos-UFPR, Curitiba-PR, for the identification. The insect was identified as Hylettus seniculus (Germar, 1824) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae), until this momment, it was not cited as a species of economic importance for the citriculture of the state. Furthermore, its occurrence has been associated with inadequate fitossanitary control, old and abandoned orchards, and the existence of forest hosts. Such factors are considered favorable to the dissemination of this insect in the orchards.

Revue / Journal Title

Acta Amazonica   ISSN 0044-5967   CODEN AAMZAZ 

Source / Source

2003, vol. 33, no4, pp. 607-612 [6 page(s) (article)]

Langue / Language


Editeur / Publisher

Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazonia, Manaos, BRESIL  (1971) (Revue)

Localisation / Location

INIST-CNRS, Cote INIST : 17890, 35400011670198.0060

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