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 Cerambycidae Cerambycinae
 Laos, Purpuricenus: malaccensis ♂

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Xavier Posted - 19/10/2013 : 18:04:10

22 mm, Hua Phan, Mt Phu Phan, nord-est Laos.



Un gros doute sur l'identité de ce mâle car j'ai des difficultés à comprendre la description de Gahan (1906) concernant la ponctuation du pronotum.
Est-ce qu'il s'agit de P. sanguinolentus ?
8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Xavier Posted - 19/10/2013 : 21:08:16
So, it's Purpuricenus malaccensis (Lacordaire, 1869) for both specimens.
Xavier Posted - 19/10/2013 : 19:31:04
Pronotum seems the same. Have you compared also the excavation on scape ?
I wait for your second species
Vitali Posted - 19/10/2013 : 19:22:57

474.41 KB

So, here is my specimen of P. malaccensis.
The resolution of my camera is not very high, but you can see the pattern in pronotum. It is very similar to your beetle.
And yes, these two species are confused in Kasatkin's site. They should be right the opposite.
I'll place a photo of P. sanguinolentus in a moment. You'll see the difference in pronotum.
Xavier Posted - 19/10/2013 : 19:02:43
Nice for you Vitali.
So, you think that on this page, both species (P. malaccensis/ P. sanguinolentus) are wrong ? ?
Vitali Posted - 19/10/2013 : 18:54:41
Thank you, Xavier!
With your help I could split my beetles in two species now!!!
I have both, which I regarded P. malaccensis. I read Gahan, and yes, your male corresponds to P. malaccensis.
I'll make photos of other species as well. But I cannot tell about females now. Seems to be more difficult.
Xavier Posted - 19/10/2013 : 18:43:57
Here a part of the description of Purpuricenus malaccensis (Lacordaire, 1869) by Gahan (1906): the antennal supports more prominent on the inner side, and the first antennal joint in the male marked with a deeper pit or excavation at the base. A difference also is to be observed in the shape and extent of the coarsely punctured area on the prothorax of the male; this area has no median lobe in front, but extends farther forwards from the base than does the corresponding area in P. sanguinolentus..

Does it fit with my specimen?
Xavier Posted - 19/10/2013 : 18:32:40
Well, I do not exclude P. malaccensis but I don't well understand Gahan's description about pronotum punctuation. In the second hand, I find this on the internet (a mistake or not?), where I recognize the male pronotum punctuation of "P. sanguinolentus". There is also the picture from the gallery, but it's hard to see...

Gahan speaks about "a deeper excavation at the base of first antennal segment" for P. malaccensis, but I can't compare.
I need help.
Vitali Posted - 19/10/2013 : 18:17:38
Hello, Xavier. Why do you exclude Purpuricenus malaccensis (Lacordaire, 1869)?
Just for a case, I checked my specimens right now, they have exactly the same pronotum.
In addition: in several specimens, the rugous part of punctation disappears in the centre of pronotum, thus fine punctation almost reaching the base.

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