T O P I C R E V I E W |
BillTyson |
Posted - 28/10/2015 : 22:28:51  33.47 KB
Ha Giang, June, 13 mm Another Prothema? |
5 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
horshehden |
Posted - 29/10/2015 : 18:53:16 There are probably 4 subspecies (some of them might be species): 1. aurata from Assam to north Thailand 2. cariniscapa from Guangxi and N Vietnam 3. interrupta from NW Yunnan and Xizang (Tibet) 4. ssp? from south Thailand and Malaysia Populations from Laos and central Vietnam are sometimes problematic. The same for central Thailand and Sikkim. As concerns north Thailand and Guangxi, the elytral pattern is really different in mostly stable way. |
Xavier |
Posted - 29/10/2015 : 09:06:12  34.18 KB
Original drawing of Prothema aurata Gahan, 1906 |
Xavier |
Posted - 29/10/2015 : 08:55:40  32.97 KB
The original drawing of Prothema aurata cariniscapa Gressitt, 1937 |
horshehden |
Posted - 29/10/2015 : 08:44:31 Most probably P. aurata cariniscapa. |
Xavier |
Posted - 28/10/2015 : 22:43:50 Yes, Prothema aurata Gahan, 1906 |