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T O P I C    R E V I E W
dryobius Posted - 24/02/2020 : 14:57:02


For persons who wish to publish in English, find a native English speaker to review your manuscript for correct usage of the language.

Secondly, someone should mention to this author that he needs to provide more evidence of his findings. This paper has a lot to be desired. When you have been studying beetles for 40 years, you will realize that not every little population that has a variation should be called a new subspecies. There is no evidence that Mr. V. looked at any other types nor any other nearby populations.

A map of where the new subspecies is recorded from is seemingly in the center of the distribution for S. m. mirabilis ( the nominate subspecies).

Again, an eagerness to describe a new taxa seems to have superseded logical thought and research.

7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
SDevesa Posted - 22/03/2020 : 12:36:35
I fully agree with Dan and of course with Andreas about the extraordinary proliferation of papers describing possible species or subspecies without any scientific criteria.

I put another example that would need an urgent review:

TITARENKO, A. Y. (2017). "Contribution to the knowledge of Caribbean species of the longicorn beetles genus Callipogon Audient-Serville, 1832 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)." Proceedings of the Kuban State Agrarian University 1(64): 147-157.
woshixiao Posted - 26/02/2020 : 13:25:22
Dan, I have received your email, thank you very much!

Originally posted by dryobius

I emailed the pdf to oth Ping and Andreas.

dryobius Posted - 26/02/2020 : 13:07:09
sorry, but I don't have a valid email address for you now!!!
dryobius Posted - 26/02/2020 : 13:05:22
I emailed the pdf to oth Ping and Andreas.
woshixiao Posted - 26/02/2020 : 03:44:44
This is a link, but I can't open it.
Xaurus Posted - 26/02/2020 : 01:14:39
thanks too Dan for your comments, its really a big disaster what's happen esp. in the family of Cerambycidae last time, a lot of additional work for specialists, f.e. this new ssp. of T. mirabilis created by Mr. V. for sure is a synonym - where I can get a pdf of his paper ?
Vadim Posted - 25/02/2020 : 11:46:30
Thank you for your criticism

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