I would like obtain the difference between Callipogon barbatum and Callipogon senex. Could you explain me ? I always think that these two species are synonym.
Je pense que la différence se situe essentiellement au niveau de la pilosité elytrale qui est plus étendue sur senex, encore faut'il avoir des specimens frais et non frottés ! pour pouvoir comparer... J'ai attentivement observé sous binoculaire les autres caractères morphologiques sans trouver de critère de différenciation pertinent.
I believe that when the early entomologists described barbatum, senex, and beckeri... They really did not study a series of specimens. At that time, it was very difficult to get any material at all.
The nomenclatural and identification problem will persist for a very long time. A careful study and revision is required... maybe with DNA. I think there must be thousands of specimens of Callipogon barbatum & senex in just American museums. Of course what really matters are the holotypes and syntypes in Europe.
I don't believe that there are significant and consistent differences to justify the standing of all three species. They are probably all just one (I admit that I could be wrong). I know that there have been dealers who have sold "beckeri" for a lot of money, but I would advise anybody that buys a specimen for more than a few dollars that he is just buying "fool's gold".