To me, Poimenesperus has a different shape of pronotum and different ratio of the widths of elytra shoulders and pronotum. Nyctopais is cylindric. I don't know the key characters, but have representatives of both genera. Nyctesperus is more difficult. I wrote Nyctopais(?) just because the photo strongly resembles all three Nyctopais species known to me. Though I have not earlier seen yellow tibia.
Thanks for contributions all! For key characters see Breuning 1934 (Nov.Ent.I, page 8-10). Especially the drawings on p. 8 of the shapes of the pro- and mesosternal processes in relation to pro- and mesocoxae are diagnostic. I attach two photos showing details of these structures indicating the species must belong to Nyctopais. But none of the 4 described species fits with "the yellow-legged thing".
What is the correct spelling : Poimenesperus or Poemenesperus ? or are they two different genera (as suggested in Titan). What looks strange on Titan is that Poimenesperus is set as monospecific including a subgenus Nyctesperus (a nonsense)
s'il n'y pas de solution c'est qu'il n'y a pas de problème ! akuna matata ....
La seule espèce de Nyctopais présentant des tibias jaune est N. jordani mais ici ce n'est pas ça ! Par contre regardez du côté peut être de N mysticus ?? Ce sont des espèces très variables dans la coloration . Donc à voir de près