It looks like the specimen of old post determined as Aderpas brunneus (Thomson, 1858). I have in collection a specimen determined as Aderpas brunneus (Thomson, 1858) but it's very different. I don't known type of this species.
I find answers in the revision of Breuning & Teocchi, 1977 for Aderpas brunneus (Thomson, 1858) : - these specimen correspond with text, comment and drawing of pronotum and elytra - my other specimen very distinct would be Aderpas congolensis (due to old synonymy with Aderpas brunneus).
In Cahiers Magellanes 2014 n° 15, the photo #33 (without place of collect) of a specimen Aderpas brunneus looks like it but: I note that the elytral background is reddish and the white spots more numerous, large and rounded.
Variety, subspecies... ?
Original description : Brun, avec des lignes blanches longitudinales interrompues. Antennes maculées de gris. Prothorax et élytres ponctués ; celles-ci ayant trois fois et demie la longueur du prothorax ; plus fortement ponctuées antérieurement ; reste du corps lisse.