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Your Search For author:" Kamnerdratana, P.Y. (Kasetsart University, Bangkok (Thailand). Faculty of Forestry. Dept. of Forest Biology) " found 1 results . Showing Results 1-1

The economically significant insect pests of trees and timber in Thailand
Kamnerdratana, P.Y. (Kasetsart University, Bangkok (Thailand). Faculty of Forestry. Dept. of Forest Biology) ; Symposium on the Status of Forest Pests and Diseases in Southeast Asia, College, Laguna (Philippines), 13-15 May 1985 ;

Twenty four species were identified as economically significant insect pests of trees and timber in Thailand based on their extent and seriousness of damages. They are classified as follows: a) stem borers (Xyleutes ceramicus, X. leuconotus, Zeuzera, Xystrocera globosa, Aristobia approximator, Batocera rufumaculata and Glenea indiana); b) wood borers (Aeolestes holosericea, Hoplocerambyx spinicornis, Stromatium barbatum, Xylotrechus smei, Coptotermes havilandi, C. gestroi
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