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Titre du document / Document title

A cladistic analysis of the phoracanthine genus Phoracantha Newman (Coleoptera : Cerambycidae : Cerambycinae), with discussion of biogeographic distribution and pest status

Auteur(s) / Author(s)

QIAO WANG (1) ; THORNTON I. W. B. (1) ; NEW T. R. (1) ;

Affiliation(s) du ou des auteurs / Author(s) Affiliation(s)

(1) Plant Protection Section, Institute of Natural Resources, Massey University, Private Bag 11222, Palmerston North, NOUVELLE-ZELANDE

Résumé / Abstract

The phylogeny of the 40 species of the genus Phoracantha is cladistically analyzed. Phoracantha faunal composition, biogeographic distribution patterns of species groups, and pest status of economically important species are described and discussed. Phoracantha is a monophyletic genus containing all species of the former Tryphocaria. Two large species groups are recognized and discussed: the rugithoracica-species group including 8 species, and the acanthocera-species group with 32 species. Subdivisions of 8 species groups under the acanthocera-species group are identified and discussed. Phoracantha is distributed mostly in southern Australia and some species are in northern Australia and New Guinea. The species with a wide natural distribution are more likely to become pests in Australia and overseas. The species from the semipunctata-species group can easily survive lengthy shipment, establish in continents outside Australia, and become serious pests. The species P. solida and synonyma from the rugithoracica-species group and P. acanthocera from the acanthocera-species group are more widely adapted than most other Phoracantha species and have become pests of Australian Eucalyptus forests. However, the above 3 species may not be able to survive lengthy shipment in logs.

Revue / Journal Title

Annals of the Entomological Society of America   ISSN 0013-8746   CODEN AESAAI 

Source / Source

1999, vol. 92, no5, pp. 631-638 (28 ref.)

Langue / Language


Editeur / Publisher

Entomological Society of America, Lanham, MD, ETATS-UNIS (1908) (Revue)

Mots-clés anglais / English Keywords

Taxonomy ; Cladism ; Phylogeny ; Pest ; Biogeography ; Australia ; New Guinea ; Cerambycidae ; Oceania ; Melanesia ; Coleoptera ; Insecta ; Arthropoda ; Invertebrata ;

Mots-clés français / French Keywords

Systématique ; Cladisme ; Phylogenèse ; Déprédateur ; Biogéographie ; Australie ; Nouvelle Guinée ; Cerambycidae ; Phoracantha ; Océanie ; Mélanésie ; Coleoptera ; Insecta ; Arthropoda ; Invertebrata ;

Mots-clés espagnols / Spanish Keywords

Sistemática ; Filogénesis ; Plaga ; Biogeografía ; Australia ; Nueva Guinea ; Cerambycidae ; Oceania ; Melanesia ; Coleoptera ; Insecta ; Arthropoda ; Invertebrata ;

Localisation / Location

INIST-CNRS, Cote INIST : 3067, 35400008818164.0030

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