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 Cerambycidae Lamiinae
 Uganda, Eunidia sp.

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Vitali Posted - 10/09/2020 : 14:44:50

499.06 KB

Resembles Eunidia postfasciata Breuning, 1947.
Kibale National Park, Uganda.
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Vitali Posted - 18/09/2020 : 09:25:57
Originally posted by Jérôme Sudre

( pronotum très transverse)
Exactly! In addition, in a zoomed photo, it can be seen that pronotum has two transverse depressions in basal and apical parts, which finally form bumps on pronotum sides. The latter is better seen on the left side.
Jérôme Sudre Posted - 18/09/2020 : 08:41:11
J ai les 2 espèces en collection 5 postfasciata et 3 flavomarmorata et cet exemplaire rappelle plus postfasciata que flavomarmorata mais j ai tout de même des doutes sur l appartenance avec postfasciata je pense qu' il s agit d autre chose (pronotum très transverse) et il y a d'autres espèces qui ressemblent à ça du coup il va falloir plus d investigations j ai d ailleurs en collection des spécimens proches de ces 2 taxa mais il s agit d autres choses donc à suivre ..... une fois n est pas coutume !
jplami Posted - 17/09/2020 : 21:16:09
After a few emails outside the forum: it's close to postfasciata but probably of a different species...
jplami Posted - 17/09/2020 : 16:05:31
I think it's Eunidia postfasciata Breuning, 1947.
My 3 Kenyan specimens were determinated by Mourglia and Teocchi.
Vitali Posted - 15/09/2020 : 20:06:33
According to Breuning, E. flavomarmorata should have a preapical yellow band, which is missing in my beetle. I hope that he did not confuse the colour of the band (yellow and brown). I suspect this because he writes that elytra are marble yellow in the first half. So, it is difficult to imagine a yellow preapical band in marble yellow elytra.

Another thing which puzzles me, is that both E. flavomarmorata and E. postfasciata should have 4th antennomere as long as 5th, which is certainly not the case in my beetle, which has 5th segment noticeably shorter than 4th. Again, if there is no mistake in antennae description, then none of the species fits.

I found photos of E. postfasciata here. These are really diferent from my beetle.

Lost again.
Jérôme Sudre Posted - 14/09/2020 : 18:56:36
Oui ça pourrait être ça mais le complexe de ces espèces est tout de même (une fois de plus) difficile à appréhender par photo et même sous la bino !
J'ai aussi pensé à E flavomarmorata ? Regarde peut être aussi dans ce sens ?

Bonne soirée

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