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 Cerambycidae Lamiinae
 Zimbabwe: Eunidia spilotoides

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Riana Posted - 18/03/2022 : 20:17:16

235.12 KB

Zimbabwe: Hot Springs
Length 7 mm
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Riana Posted - 19/03/2022 : 14:51:06
Thanks Jérôme, yes also feel that E okahandjae is a syn of E spilotoides.
Jérôme Sudre Posted - 19/03/2022 : 08:22:34
For me it is Eunidia spilotoides Breuning. I have three ex including 1 ex paratype of E bothai exchanged at the time with Dr E Younga which is a synonym of E spilotoides . Moreover it is probable that E okahandjae of which I saw the typus (in bad condition) which should be in the museum of Hamburg and which is in Lyon, is only a synonym of E spilotoides.
We would then have E spilotoides = E bothai = E okahandjae.
I have a specimen that I assimilate to E okahandjae but with doubt because it too is very damaged.
Riana Posted - 18/03/2022 : 20:21:30
Eunidia okahandjae ?

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