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 New book: Cerambycidae from Cuba

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
SDevesa Posted - 03/10/2019 : 18:23:21
Dear friends,

It is pleasure for me to inform that the second (and last) volumen about the Cerambycidae (Lamiinae) from Cuba is ready and it will be on bookstores in very few days.

340 pages, full color, 1.096 photographs, 96 color maps. It includes photographs of both sexes from nearly all the species, in dorsal, ventral and lateral views, emphasizing the morphological characteristics of diagnostical value. It also includes determination keys for most of taxa to make easier the verification of the determinations.

The Subfamily Lamiinae in Cuba includes 97 species, 23 of them with systematical and/or distributional changes:

- 15 species were synonymized: Spalacopsis grandis (Chevrolat, 1862), Ataxiastehliki Chemsak, 1969, Eupogonius griseus Fisher, 1926, Eupogonius bierigi Melzer 1933, Leptostylus bahamicus Fisher, 1925, Leptostylus biustus var. cubanus Fisher, 1926, Leptostylus caymanensis Fisher, 1948, Styloleptus biustus var. (?ssp.) fisheri Gilmour, 1965, Leptostylus scurra var. dorsalis Fisher, 1926, Leptostylus scurra var. maculifer Fisher, 1926, Liopus minuens Hamilton, 1896, Leptostylus lewisi Fisher, 1948, Leptostylus thompsoni Fisher, 1948, Calocosmus fulvicollis Fisher, 1925 y Calocosmus semimarginatus Bates, 1881.

- 5 new species were described: Urgleptes carderiensis, U. elieri, U. jagueyensis, U. nigritus y U. poey (Devesa & Barro, 2019).

- Styloleptus nigronotatus (Zayas, 1975) is reinstated to its original genus: Urgleptes nigronotatus Zayas, 1975 (Devesa & Barro, 2019).

- Lethes israeli Zayas, 1975, is redescribed, validated as a good species and removed from synonymy under de Styloleptus biustus (LeConte, 1852) and Styloleptus scurra Chevrolat, 1862 (Devesa, Fonseca & Barro, 2017).

- Trypanidius nocturnus Fisher, 1942 is synonymized with Trypanidius insularis Fisher, 1925 (Devesa & Barro, 2018).

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7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
SDevesa Posted - 07/10/2019 : 18:32:58
sorry, I have done a mistake. The correct e-mail is: gretaeditores@hotmail.com
SDevesa Posted - 07/10/2019 : 18:31:59
I have received numerous requests asking me to indicate where they could buy the book.

For those interested, indicate that the book is published by Greta edit. and that you can request directly to the following e-mail: gretaeditores@gmail.com
Xavier Posted - 06/10/2019 : 00:24:20
Congratulation Sergio !
SDevesa Posted - 05/10/2019 : 20:06:25
Gracias Francesco. It has been a long and hard work, but here is it...
Francesco Posted - 05/10/2019 : 15:42:03
Felicitaciones Sergi!!!

SDevesa Posted - 05/10/2019 : 11:36:31
Thank you
woshixiao Posted - 05/10/2019 : 03:27:34

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