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 Cerambycidae Lepturinae
 Laos: Anoplodera rubripennis ♀

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Xavier Posted - 11/11/2012 : 13:13:52

13 mm. Hua Phan, nord Laos.
Une femelle du genre Anoplodera peut-être ?
9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Xavier Posted - 21/01/2019 : 10:39:53
...and in Titan database, the new complete name is Anoplodera (Anoploderomorpha) rubripennis (Pic, 1927)...as in my first message of this topic .
Xavier Posted - 24/07/2016 : 08:43:36
In VIVES, 2016. Cerambycidos nuevos o interesantes de Vietnam (Pars,III), this species is now Anoploderomorpha rubripennis (Pic, 1927) nov. comb.,
Xaurus Posted - 13/03/2013 : 23:46:29
Yes, recently in Stictoleptura, but besides the genera assignment in some Lepturini needs a shift
Xavier Posted - 13/03/2013 : 07:22:26
Thank you, but I only find Leptura rubripennis = Stictoleptura rubripennis (Pic, 1927) for Titandatabase.
Do you speak about this species ?
Xaurus Posted - 13/03/2013 : 00:14:02
C. Holzschuh identified this sps as A. rubripennis (Pic, 1927) from northern Laos, I have the same sps too.
Xavier Posted - 08/02/2013 : 07:44:36
Francesco, tu penses que c'est bien cette espèce ? Connais-tu une mention de cette variété rouge ?
Francesco Posted - 07/02/2013 : 09:36:28
La base des élytres correspond pourtant à Anoploderomorpha.
Xavier Posted - 06/02/2013 : 18:58:48
I only have the bad picture of Anoplodera (Anoploderomorpha) sepulchralis (Fairmaire, 1889) in Gressitt's book, and there is no description.
Faimaire's description talks about bluish color, but not about red variety.
horshehden Posted - 11/11/2012 : 16:25:33
Why not A. sepulchralis (Fairmaire, 1889)?

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