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 Cerambycidae Lepturinae
 Vietnam: Leptura nigroguttata

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
BillTyson Posted - 18/09/2015 : 01:01:02

30.29 KB

Lao Cai Prov.July
Elacomia sp?
10   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Francesco Posted - 07/02/2019 : 17:30:42
Leptura fruhstorferi Hayashi & Villiers, 1985 and L. pubevirens Gressitt, 1935 are both synonyms of Leptura nigroguttata (Pic, 1927).
Cf. Tichy et al. (2019).
Gerard Posted - 20/09/2015 : 10:39:10
Can you put us the type as soon as you can?
Thank you Tomas.
horshehden Posted - 20/09/2015 : 09:12:39
Yes, I have photos of both types at home, but I'm outside until early October.
The type looks as the link I provided above.
Xavier Posted - 20/09/2015 : 00:15:11
at first it looks like the Pic's species

Same question, do you have a picture of the type of Leptura nigroguttata (Pic, 1927) ?
Without it, this discussion is like ...wind.
horshehden Posted - 19/09/2015 : 18:39:25
I do not have an access to the last link.
Bill and first link is fruhstorferi, in my opinion, as I suggested above.
The specimen of Andre is strange - at first it looks like the Pic's species, but it has dark legs and antennae.

That is why I'm not sure with determination of this group.
Xavier Posted - 19/09/2015 : 18:17:25
Could you give your opinion for the others post here, here and here ? And what is Bill species ? I am lost.

I have never found Leptura nigroguttata (Pic, 1927) at MNHN Paris. Do you know it ???
horshehden Posted - 19/09/2015 : 18:12:50
You can see female of the Pic's species here

I have seen several almost identical specimens from GUX, China.

In my opinion, all these specimens coincide with the type in Paris.
Xavier Posted - 18/09/2015 : 20:15:34

from HAYASHI & VILLIERS , 1985. Revision of the Asian Lepturinae (Coleoptera : Cerambycidae) With special reference to the type specimens' inspection. Part I. Bulletin of the Osaka Jonan Women's Junior College 19-20 (1): 1-75, 15 pls.
horshehden Posted - 18/09/2015 : 19:58:04
And why not Leptura fruhstorferi Hayashi & Villiers, 1985?
The species of Pic looks differently (different pattern, generally lighter).
The species of Gressitt is a little shorter.
Xavier Posted - 18/09/2015 : 10:12:32
Have a look here.
Still unclear between Leptura nigroguttata (Pic, 1927) and Leptura pubevirens Gressitt, 1935

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