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 Cerambycidae Lamiinae
 Vietnam: Mimothestus atricornis ?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
FraRug Posted - 29/11/2024 : 19:11:18
Yen Bai, Vietnam. 14 mm.

375.27 KB
7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Xaurus Posted - 02/12/2024 : 00:27:12
Yes, its a bit strange sps, I tried to find a name but without success,
I have 3m/5f from Tam Dao (N-Vietnam), with quite a variable tomentation, the antennae in females are not so much fringed below like in atricornis, I looking foreward what's about the male genitals Laos vs Vietnam.
Xavier Posted - 01/12/2024 : 09:12:49
You're probably right Andreas, there's a problem with this species. I had posted photos of specimens from Laos here, but made no progress. As soon as I have time, I'll separate males and females, and compare them with my specimens from Vietnam.
Xaurus Posted - 01/12/2024 : 00:54:38
Not yet compared, I haven't M. atricornis in coll., I attache the type spms from Lin's "album of types", with a different pronotum shape etc.

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Xavier Posted - 30/11/2024 : 08:06:20
I've never compared the genitalia of my specimens from Laos and Vietnam, so I don't know if this is a dark form of M. atricornis. Have you compared Andreas?
Many pictures on the forum, as here.
Xaurus Posted - 30/11/2024 : 02:00:36
I have a series of this sps from Vietnam too, but it is not M. atricornis !
FraRug Posted - 29/11/2024 : 20:43:39
Merci Xavier!
Xavier Posted - 29/11/2024 : 19:33:53
Possibly Mimothestus atricornis Pu, 1999.

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