Authors |
Year |
Title |
Revue |
Nr. Revue |
Language |
Pdf |
von Demelt C. |
1976 |
Eine neue Cerambyx-Art aus Ost-Anatolien |
Zeitschrift der Arbeitsgemeinschaft der österreichischen Entomologen |
28 (1-3): 65-67 |
von Demelt C. |
1989 |
Zwei neue Bockkäferarten (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) |
Entomofauna |
10 (14): 241-245 |
Depoli G. |
1915 |
Der Formenkreis des Dorcadion arenarium Scop. |
Coleopterologische Rundschau |
1: 1-16 |
Depoli G. |
1915 |
Der Formenkreis des Dorcadion arenarium Scop. (Fortsetzung und Schluß.) |
Coleopterologische Rundschau |
1: 32-44 |
Deprince A. |
2004 |
Les insectes du sol (2e partie) de l’oeuf enterré à une vie terricole |
Courrier de l’environnement de l’INRA |
132: 35-37 |
Desiere M. |
1969 |
Les Coléoptères longicornes de la Forêt de Férage |
Bulletin de la Société Royale des Sciences de Liège |
38 (1/2): 54-60 |
Devesa Regueiro S. & Bahillo de la Puebla P. |
2003 |
Primer registro de Paracorymbia maculicornis (DeGeer, 1775) en Galicia (N.W. de la Península Ibérica) con datos sobre su armadura genital (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) |
Boletín de la Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa |
32: 83–86 |
Sainte-Claire Deville J. |
1902 |
Contribution à la Faune du Bassin de la Seine [Col.] |
Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France |
1902 (15): 247-250 |
Dias M. M. |
2004 |
Novas ocorrências e descrição da fêmea de Mysteria darwini (Lameere) (Coleoptera, Vesperidae, Anoplodermatinae) |
Revista Brasileira de Entomologia |
48 (1): 141-143 |
Dillon E. S. & Dillon L. S. |
1959 |
The Monochamini (Cerambycidae) of the Ethiopian faunistic region. V. The subtribe Acridocephalidi |
The Coleopterists' Bulletin |
12: 49-58 |
Dillon L. S. |
1957 |
Revision of the neotropical Acanthocinini (Coleoptera : Cerambycidae) II. The genus Lagocheirus |
Bulletin of the Brooklyn Museum of Natural History (Entomology) |
6 (6): 137-166 |
Dillon L. S. & Dillon E. S. |
1948 |
A new species of Olenecamptus (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) |
Bulletin du Musée Royal d'Histoire Naturelle de Belgique |
24 (22): 1-3 |
Dillon L. S. & Dillon E. S. |
1952 |
Cerambycidae of the Fiji Islands |
Bulletin of Bernice P. Bishop Museum |
206: 1-114 |
Dillon L. S. & Dillon E. S. |
1961 |
The Monochamini (Cerambycidae) of the Ethiopian faunistic region. II. Subtribe Monochamidi. Genera related to Monochamus |
Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) |
11 (3): 61-96 |
Diodato L. & Carabajal de Belluomini M. |
2006 |
Insectos que inciden en la producción de algarrobo blanco (Prosopis alba) |
II Jornadas Forestales, Universidad Nacional de Santiago del Estero |
7 pp. |
Dioli P. & Viganò C. |
1990 |
Presenza in Valtellina di un cerambice nuovo per la fauna italiana: Xylotrechus stebbingi Gahan, 1906 (Insecta, Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) |
Il Naturalista Valtellinese |
1: 7-10 |
Dodds K. J., Graber C. & Stephen F. M. |
2001 |
Facultative intraguild predation by larval Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) on Bark Beetle larvae (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) |
Environmental Entomology |
30 (1): 17-22 |
Dodds K. J., Graber C. & Stephen F.M. |
2002 |
Oviposition biology of Acanthocinus nodosus (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) in Pinus taeda |
Florida Entomologist |
85 (3): 452-457 |
Drees M. |
1993 |
Beitrag zur Faunistik, Phänologie und Nährpflanzenbindung der um Hagen heimischen Bockkäfer |
Natur und Heimat |
53 (1): 17-23 |
Drury D. |
1770 |
Illustrations of Natural History. Wherein are exhibited upwards of two hundred and forty figures of exotic insects, according to their different genera |
Drury D. ed., London |
88-93 + 5 Tab. |