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 Laos: Parabunothorax rubripennis

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Xavier Posted - 10/08/2012 : 17:30:24

18 mm.
Hua Phan, nord Laos.

Un Falsanoplistes (Cerambycinae, Trachyderini).
Il ne s'agit pas de Falsanoplistes antennarius Holzschuh, 2010 qui a les épaules plus relevées et les épines du thorax, qui est noir, plus obtuses.
Pas d'espèce pour le Laos dans le Gressitt (1970).
Falsanoplistes guerryi Pic, 1915 est mentionné de la faune chinoise (Gressitt, 1951) ... mais je ne trouve pas sa description.
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
BinLiu Posted - 10/10/2015 : 15:54:57
A female of Guangxi,China

49.52 KB
Gerard Posted - 19/05/2014 : 21:33:31
Et voici le male.

253.26 KB
Xavier Posted - 19/05/2014 : 21:17:37

A -full- female from the same locality (north Laos)
Xavier Posted - 03/03/2013 : 09:22:31
I have today the confirmation that my specimen is Parabunothorax rubripennis Pu, 1991 femelle
Thanks a lot to Eduard VIVES who send us his last publication : Notas sobre algunos Purpuricenini asiáticos (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae), Nouv. Revue Ent. (N.S.)- 2013. Fig. 8.
And thanks to everybody for your contribution.
Xavier Posted - 12/08/2012 : 10:52:27
Good new for me, so I've got enough time to go to Beijing
horshehden Posted - 11/08/2012 : 22:24:58
IZAS in Beijing is currently closed for holidays so that you have a few days to get there if you think it is too far for you
Anyway, complete antenna would be essential as well as male and female.
Xavier Posted - 11/08/2012 : 17:56:31

Finally, I don't know what thinking....
Here the picture of Falsanoplistes antennarius Holzschuh, 2010. The structure of pronotum is closer to my specimen than Parabunothorax rubripennis; we can see that both sex has got 2 obtuse spines, and I don't understand why the drawer hasn't represented it, if it exist…
Xavier Posted - 11/08/2012 : 17:30:01
Thanks for these precisions !
IZAS Beijing is a little far for me; I will better try to collect more specimens next year, integer and from both sex. I keep Parabunothorax rubripennis Pu, 1991.
Thanks to everybody.
Bi Posted - 11/08/2012 : 17:21:26
For me, they are more likely to be the same species.
The different shape of the lateral margin of pronotum is still sexual dimorphism. (According to the figure of Falsanoplistes antennarius Holzschuh, 2010. male-rounded and female-sharp.)
In any case, the old hand-drawing maybe not accurate, based on past experience. To examine the type specimen in IZAS Beijing is better.
Xavier Posted - 11/08/2012 : 15:40:34

Thanks a lot for this paper !
Hard to say if it's or not the same species. By °%***°, I lost the 7th antennal segment as you can see on last picture (!!). The side of thorax seems different, with an anterior obtuse spine added. For the rest, all the structure is the same (punctuation, 3 lines on back, etc). The black area on the pronotum, as showed on your paper, could be variable for such red-orange species.
Tell me , please, your opinion ...
Bi Posted - 11/08/2012 : 14:55:48

Here is the original description.
We can find your specimen obviously different from the known species by 3th to 7th antennal segments digitated instead of 3th-6th. But may be the sexual dimorphism (like Falsanoplistes).
Your specimen is female, and the type is a male.
horshehden Posted - 11/08/2012 : 14:09:44
Unfortunately, I do not have it in my disposal.
Though, most of them would be more than essential for me (Arhopalus, Carilia-Gaurotes-Rhondia, Necydalis, Thranius, Cleomenes, Callidium, etc.).
Xavier Posted - 11/08/2012 : 13:55:53
If you have it, I 've got the way to translate it
horshehden Posted - 11/08/2012 : 13:44:16
Anyway, I'm afraid that the description is in Chinese...
Xavier Posted - 11/08/2012 : 13:09:11
Thanks a lot.
The only species seems to be Parabunothorax rubripennis Pu, 1991 ;
Does anyone have a description of it ?

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