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 Laos: Chloridolum: nadleri n. nom.

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Xavier Posted - 28/03/2013 : 10:40:21
20 mm, Hua Phan, nord-est Laos.
Un Chloridolum sans doute. Scape profondément sillonné.


pronotum mâle2

edeage mâle1

15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Max Posted - 09/04/2018 : 16:36:08
Thank so much Andre!
Andre Posted - 09/04/2018 : 16:17:27
Hello Max
For me is your Spec. Chelidonium herteli Podany 1974.
In the same work (Skale, 2018) i transferred this species to Chloridolum. So is the correct name Chloridolum herteli (Podany, 1974).

But give`s more problems by this species, so is also the synonomy with Chloridolum cyaneonotatum or Chloridolum robusticolle possible
Max Posted - 06/04/2018 : 19:52:31
It is the same?
Female, 22 mm, from Vietnam, Yenbai prov., Mucangchal, h = 1700m, V.2017

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Andre Posted - 04/04/2018 : 13:19:09
Hello Dan.... so is perfect
Xavier Posted - 03/04/2018 : 20:03:01
Yes, I undestand, but it is just a matter of words. I have edited the title of this topic .
dryobius Posted - 03/04/2018 : 19:40:48
I think that what we have is this:

Chloridolum nadleri Skale, 2018 is a replacement name for Chelidonium jeanvoinei Pic, 1937.

There can be only one Chloridolum jeanvoinei which happens to be Chloridolum (Leontium) jeanvoinei (Pic, 1932).

C. nadleri is a REPLACEMENT name, not a new species.
Xavier Posted - 03/04/2018 : 18:10:52
Ok, but I do not see any Chloridolum nadleri in Titan databes, so comb. nov. and nom. nov. with "Chloridolum nadleri Skale, 2018" means a "new name " for a "new species".
Andre Posted - 03/04/2018 : 17:38:26
Thanks.... but is not a sp. nov! Is a sec. Homonym.... so comb. nov. and nom. nov. !
Xavier Posted - 03/04/2018 : 17:17:09
Congratulations Andre for your work !
Andre Posted - 03/04/2018 : 15:37:07
I should clarify this topic:
Your Specimen is Chloridolum nadleri Skale, 2018

The HT from Chelidonium jeanvoinei Pic, 1937 is a clearly Chloridolum and so a sec. Homonyn from Chloridolum jeanvoinei Pic, 1932.
The paper is readdy and will be published in Kol. Rundschau / Wien 2018 in the next time.
The species is very common especially in Laos.
Andre Posted - 14/04/2017 : 14:03:56
Hello Xavier
Your specimen is for me Chloridolum jeanvoinei Pic, 1932
This spec. is a member of a group with Chelidonium herteli (it is a Chloridolum), Chloridolum cyaneonotatum, hainanicum, robusticolle...
and the situation is confuse... so for many other Chloridolum. The HT from Chelidonium (Chloridolum) herteli is not the same as the PT !
The PT is Chloridolum jeanvoinei
Xavier Posted - 11/07/2014 : 14:31:50
Yes, perfect: I recognize the transverse line after the base of the pronotum. So, it's another species...and I stay with Chloridolum sp.
Thanks a lot, Andre.
Andre Posted - 11/07/2014 : 13:46:15
I think this is the pronotum of C. grossepunctatum.....here the pronotum of a specimen from Vietnam......
But I think the det. of Chloridolum specimens is at the moment not sure possible.

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Andre Posted - 11/07/2014 : 13:37:08
Sorry Xavier.....your spec. is not C. grossepunctatum.....!
I think this is the pronotum from your Spec. In the last time, I have seen more than 100 Ex. from Laos from this......and is a very variable Spec.

475.91 KB

Picture by U. Schmidt/ Selbitz
Xavier Posted - 10/07/2014 : 10:58:02
By looking to the type picture from Bishop Museum, it's Chloridolum grossepunctatum Gressitt & Rondon, 1970.

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